State pensando di trasferirvi in Italia o di viverci per un lungo periodo? In questo caso, è meglio che impariate queste tre cose riguardo alle cose da fare o da non fare in Italia, così sarete preparati – almeno un po’! Are you thinking of moving to Italy or just living there for some time? …
Italian culture
Calcio fiorentino
As you probably know, one of the most important sports for Italians is soccer, il calcio. People consider it a very serious topic, so if you haven’t a lot of free time to spend, don’t even try to start a conversation about calcio with an Italian, especially not after some match! Why? Because you seriously …
Mount Vesuvius – The legends
Il Vesuvio è uno dei vulcani italiani più conosciuti al mondo. E per delle ottime ragioni. Mount Vesuvius is one of the most known Italian volcanoes in the world. And for some very good reasons. L’eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 d.C. distrusse diverse città, le più famose delle quali sono Pompei ed Ercolano, e lasciò …
Italian ways to ward off bad luck
I think every country believes in some sort of bad luck, and every country has one or more ways to cope with it or to ward it off. Italy is no exception. So, today I’d like to talk about three Italian ways to ward off bad luck for good. Toccare ferro One of the most …
The Italian Castle of Torrechiara
As you know, in Italy we have a good number of castles. One of the best preserved and interesting castles is the Italian castle of Torrechiara. The Italian castle of Torrechiara stands on the top of a rocky hill in Val Parma. The construction was started by the Count Pier Maria II de’ Rossi in …