Language learning is a difficult process. You need to master grammar, vocabulary, and when you think you know everything about a language, here comes the slang. It doesn’t matter if you studied Italian for years or if you hold a degree in foreign languages, when you’ll visit Italy, you’ll discover that Italians use many expressions …
Sos Italian
Ne in Italian – What does it mean?
There are words in a language that are considered very difficult to master by language learners – have a look at the meanings and uses of the word ci in italian in this article -> What’s the meaning of the word ci in Italian? Let’s take the word ne in Italian. It is considered one …
What’s the meaning of the word ci in Italian?
The trickiest words in a language are usually the ones that both have several meanings and are widely used. Let’s take the Italian word ci, for example. It’s pretty short, and it’s surely not difficult to remember. However, its different uses make it one of the trickiest words to master for an Italian learner. So, …
How to choose a good Italian translator for your book
Translation services have become more and more popular during the last decades. Indeed, thanks to the possibility of self-publishing, the number of writers has increased exponentially, and with them, also the desire to reach larger audiences. So, nowadays also a good number of indie authors decide to have their books translated into other languages. But …
How to choose a good Italian translator for your bookRead More
Italian grammar – Difference between essere and stare
Italian grammar is considered rather difficult by the majority of learners. This is because different languages have usually different structures – even the ones that are very similar like French and Italian. In the last article, I talked about the difference between essere and stare, a topic of the Italian grammar that creates a lot …
Italian grammar – Difference between essere and stareRead More