Every country has its own sayings, and Italy is no exception. Italian sayings are common expressions, passed down from one generation to another, that express a fact that is considered to be true because of experience or common sense. There are many Italian sayings that are generally used in everyday speech. Many of these are …
Italian language
Passive sentences in Italian
If you’re a language learner sooner or later you’ll come across passive voice. So, in this article I’m going to teach you how to form passive sentences in Italian. In Italian there are two types of sentences: active sentences and passive sentences. While in active sentences the focus is on the subject who carries out …
Seven Italian slang expressions
Language learning is a difficult process. You need to master grammar, vocabulary, and when you think you know everything about a language, here comes the slang. It doesn’t matter if you studied Italian for years or if you hold a degree in foreign languages, when you’ll visit Italy, you’ll discover that Italians use many expressions …
Ne in Italian – What does it mean?
There are words in a language that are considered very difficult to master by language learners – have a look at the meanings and uses of the word ci in italian in this article -> What’s the meaning of the word ci in Italian? Let’s take the word ne in Italian. It is considered one …
What’s the meaning of the word ci in Italian?
The trickiest words in a language are usually the ones that both have several meanings and are widely used. Let’s take the Italian word ci, for example. It’s pretty short, and it’s surely not difficult to remember. However, its different uses make it one of the trickiest words to master for an Italian learner. So, …