Figurarsi is one of those Italian words that is widely used in Italian and that can have different meanings.
Let’s see all of them.
1. You’re welcome; don’t mention it
One of the different meanings of the verb figurarsi is you’re welcome. So, it’s used to reply to someone that says grazie – thank you – to you.
a. + Grazie del consiglio.
– Figurati!
+ Thank you for the advice.
– You’re welcome/don’t mention it!
b. + Grazie del passaggio.
– Figurati
+ Thank you for the lift.
– You’re welcome/don’t mention it!
2. Emphasis
Another use of the Italian verb figurarsi is to give emphasis. Its meaning is similar to the English expression just think.
Ex: Mia figlia si è sposata e non me l’ha detto. Figurati come mi sono sentita quando ho saputo la notizia!
My daughter got married and she didn’t tell me. Just think how I felt when I heard the news.
3. That’s not true; I don’t believe it!
Another use of the the Italian word figurarsi is to show incredulity. In this case, its meaning is usually similar to that’s not true; I don’t believe it, or to the more sarcastic oh yes, of course; yeah, sure!
a. Hai vinto alla lotteria? Ma figurati!
Did you win the lottery? That’s not true/I don’t believe it/ oh yes, of course!
b. + Sai, ho appena incontrato Brad Pitt al bar.
– Sì, figurati!
+ You know, I’ve just met Brad Pitt at the bar.
– Yeah, sure!
4. No
One of the different meanings of the verb figurarsi is no.
+ Disturbo? – Si figuri!
+ Do I bother you? – No
I’ll cover all the other different meanings of the word figurarsi in another article, that will be published in two weeks.
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