The way we express a concept changes, of course, from language to language. Today I’s like to focus on fifteen common English expressions that can be translated with one Italian verb.
Are you ready? Let’s start!
One Italian verb for an expression
1. To have a good time = divertirsi
Ex: Ieri mi sono divertito molto al concerto di Ultimo.
Yesterday I had a great time at the concert of Ultimo.
2. To have a rest = riposarsi
Ex: Mi sembri stanco, perché non vai a riposarti un po’?
You look tired, why don’t you go and get some rest?
3. To have lunch = pranzare
Ex: In settimana, pranzo sempre nel ristorante di fronte all’azienda in cui lavoro.
During the week, I always have lunch at the restaurant in front of the company where I work.
4. To have dinner = cenare
Ex: La sera non ceno mai a casa.
I never have dinner at home in the evening.
5. To come close = avvicinarsi
Ex: Avvicinati ancora un po’ alla statua, ecco, perfetto. Tre, due, uno, cheese.
Get a little closer to the statue, that’s it, perfect. Three, two, one, cheese.
6. To come to an end = finire
Ex: Finalmente quest’orribile settimana è finita!
Finally, this horrible week has come to an end!
7. To get angry = arrabbiarsi
Ex: Ieri mi sono arrabbiato con mio figlio perché ho scoperto che ha preso due a scuola.
Yesterday I got angry with my son because I found out he got a bad grade in school.
8. To get divorced = divorziare
Ex: Hai sentito che Federico e Valeria divorziano?
Did you hear that Federico and Valeria are getting divorced?
9. To get drunk = ubriacarsi
Ex: Sabato sera sono uscita con i miei amici e mi sono ubriacata.
Saturday night I went out with my friends and got drunk.
10. To get frightened = spaventarsi
Ex: Ieri Martina ha visto un grosso ragno nero e si è spaventata.
Yesterday Martina saw a big black spider and got scared.
11. To get lost = perdersi
Ex: Davide ha un ottimo senso dell’orientamento; non si perde mai!
Davide has a very good sense of direction; he never gets lost!
12. To get married = sposarsi
Ex: Francesca e Marco si sposeranno a dicembre.
Francesca and Marco will get married in December.
13. To get old = invecchiare
Ex: Non è divertente invecchiare!
It’s no fun getting old!
14. To get ready = prepararsi
Ex: Forza, preparati, dobbiamo essere a casa di Luca per le 19:30.
Come on, get ready, we have to be at Luca’s house by 7:30pm.
15. To get tired = stancarsi
Ex: Da quando ho fatto il Covid, mi stanco facilmente.
Since I had Covid, I get tired easily.
Did you already know that these English expressions could be translated with one Italian verb?
Can you come up with other English expressions that can be translated with only one Italian verb?
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Original image by Greyerbaby