Bravo, bello and buono are four Italian words that are very used but that can confuse learners.
The reason they might cause confusion is that these Italian words have very similar meanings.
Today I’d like to explain the major meanings of bravo, bello and buono, so you can choose the right word next time you’ll speak Italian.
Bravo is an adjective that can have different meanings in Italian.
Bravo can refer to:
a. The moral qualities someone has
Ex: Marco è un bravo ragazzo
Marco is a good boy
Bravo can also mean:
b. Skillfull, expert in doing something like a job or an art
Ex: Daniela è un bravo medico/una brava pittrice
Daniela is a good doctor/painter
Finally, bravo is used to show appreciation after a show: Bravo! – you were great.
Bello is another Italian adjective that can have different meanings in Italian.
Bello can refer to:
a. Physical appearance. It can be used with people, objects and animals.
– Francesca è una bella ragazza
Francesca is a beautiful girl
– Il tuo è proprio un bel cavallo
Your horse is really beautiful
– Wow, questa sì che è una bella macchina!
Wow, that’s a beautiful car!
b. Things or person that are admired because they’re clever.
Ex: Marco ha fatto proprio un bel discorso oggi
Marco gave a great speech today
c. Something fun or nice
Ex: E’ stata proprio una bella vacanza
It really was a good holiday
d. Someone kind, gentle
Ex: Paola è davvero una bella persona
Paola is really a good person
e. The weather
Ex: Domani ci sarà bel tempo
Tomorrow there will be good weather
f. Emphasize a concept, even ironically
– Dopo una bella dormita, ti sentirai meglio
You’ll feel much better, after a good sleep
– Hai fatto davvero un bell’affare!
You made a really good deal!
The sentence “hai fatto davvero un bell’affare” pronounced with the right intonation can mean the exact opposite – You did a terrible deal!
Buono is an Italian adjective that usually carries a positive connotation and can have different meanings.
Buono can refer to:
a. Moral qualities
Ex: Diana ha compiuto una buona azione
Diana did a good action
b. Someone who’s benevolent, loving, kind
Ex: Maria è una persona buona
Maria is a good person
c. Someone who’s good at doing something
Ex: Nicola è un buon medico/pittore
Nicola is a good doctor/painter
d. Something that is good for something
Ex: Quest’olio è buono per friggere
This oil is perfect for frying
e. The good quality of something
– Questo è un buon libro
This is a good book
– Io amo la buona musica
I love good music
f. Favorable, advantageous, affordable
– Questo cellulare ha un buon prezzo
This mobile phone has a good price
– Secondo me, hai fatto un buon affare!
In my opinion, you made a good deal!
– Valid
Ex: Dammi una buona ragione per cui non dovrei vederlo più
Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t see him again
Bravo | Bello | Buono | |
Moral qualities | X | X | |
Skill, expertise | X | X | |
Physical appearance | X | ||
Admiration for things/people | X | ||
Fun, nice | X | ||
Kind, gentle | X | ||
Weather | X | ||
Emphasize a concept | X | ||
Benevolent, loving, kind | X | ||
Good qualities of something | X | ||
Favorable, advantageous, affordable | X | ||
Valid | X |
If this helped you understand the difference between bravo, bello and buono and how to use them, don’t forget to share!
Original image by Alexas_Fotos