What if you come to Italy and you need a dentist? Well, in this super short guide, you’re going to learn some basic vocabulary and some basic sentences you can use at the dentist’s in Italy. If you’re interested in other short guides, have a look at How to get a haircut in Italy, Italian drinks – How to order drinks in Italy, and At an Italian doctor’s office.
Some basic Italian vocabulary
• Le gengive = gums
• Il palate = palate
• L’infiammazione = inflammation
• I raggi/La radiografia = X-rays
• La carie = cavity
• L’otturazione = filling
• Il trapano = drill
• Il mal di denti = toothache
• La gengivite = gingivitis
• L’infezione = infection
• Un dente rotto = broken tooth
• Le macchie sui denti = teeth stains
• Occuparsi del problema = to take care of the problem
• Passare il filo interdentale = flossing
• Sbiancare i denti = whitening
• L’apparecchio = braces
• La dentiera = dentures
• La corona/capsula dentale = crown
• La pulizia dei denti = teeth cleaning
• Effettuare/Farsi fare la pulizia dei denti = to get your teeth cleaned
Making an appointment at the dentist’s in Italy
If you want to go to the dentist’s in Italy, first you’ve to make an appointment.
So, you dial the dentist’s number and you say:
Buongiorno, vorrei fissare un appuntamento.
Good morning, I’d like to schedule an appointment.
The dentist’s assistant generally asks you the reason why you wan to make an appointment.
E’ per un controllo o ha un problema?
Is it for a check up or do you have a problem?
If it’ for a check up, you can say:
E’ per un controllo.
It’s for a check up.
If you have a problem, then it’s the perfect moment to specify what kind of problem you have:
No, ho un problema. Credo di avere una carie/un’infiammazione, ecc.
No, I’ve got a problem. I think I’ve got a cavity/some inflammation, etc.
The assistant could ask you if you’ve already been at that dentist’s office before or if it’s the very first time?
E’ già stato qui o è la prima volta?
Have you been here before or is it the first time?
And you can answer with:
Sì, ci sono già stato/No, è la prima volta.
Yes, I have/No, I have not.
At this point, the assistant asks for your name and gives you a possible date and time.
Mi da il suo nome, per favore?
Can I get your name, please?
Certo, sono Giacomo Bianchi.
Of course, my name is Giacomo Bianchi.
Il dottore potrebbe riceverla il 23 alle 9:45, potrebbe andare bene?
The doctor could see you the 23rd at 9:45am, would that be ok?
If the date and time are of for you, you say.
E’ perfetto.
That would be perfect.
If they’re not ok for you, you can say:
No, purtroppo lavoro e il 26 alle 17:00?
No, unfortunately, I’ve got to work what about the 26th at 5:00pm?
If the time and date you proposed are good, the assistant tells you:
Sì, andrebbe bene. Allora, la aspettiamo il 26 alle 17:00. Arrivederci.
Yes, that works. We’ll see you on the 26th at 5:00pm. Goodbye.
When you’re at the dentist’s in Italy
Now, let’s see an example of a dialogue. You’re at the dentist’s for a check up.
Giacomo: Buongiorno, dottore.
Giacomo: Hello, Doctor.
Dottor Rossi: Buongiorno, come andiamo oggi?
Dottor Rossi: Good morning, how are you doing today?
Giacomo: Non troppo bene. Ieri ho iniziato a sentire un po’ di dolore. Ho paura di avere qualche carie.
Giacomo: Not too good. I started to feel some pain yesterday. I’m worried I’ve got some cavities.
Dottor Rossi: Allora, diamo un’occhiata.
Dottor Rossi: Well, we’ll take a look.
After being examined:
Dottor Rossi: Beh, sembra che ci sia qualche carie e anche un po’ d’infiammazione alle gengive.
Dottor Rossi: Well, there seem to be a few cavities and some inflammation of the gums as well.
Giacomo: Oh, no!
Giacomo: Oh, no!
Dottor Rossi: Sì, ma non è niente di grave.
Dottor Rossi: Yes, but it’s nothing too serious.
Giacomo: Lo spero!
Giacomo: I hope so!
Dottor Rossi: Le prescrivo una pomata da mettere sulle gengive due volte al giorno, dopo aver lavato i denti, poi prende un altro appuntamento con la mia assistente per la prossima settimana e ci occuperemo della carie, va bene?
Dottor Rossi: I’ll give you the prescription of an ointment you should place on the gums twice a day, after you’ve brushed your teeth, then you make another appointment with my assistant for next week and we’ll take care of the cavities, all right?
Giacomo: Sì, grazie dottore.
Giacomo: Yes, thank you doctor.
Dottor Rossi: Prego. Arrivederla.
Dottor Rossi: You’re welcome. Goodbye.
And this is it. Have you ever been to the dentist’s in Italy? How was your experience?
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Original image by geralt