Talking about past actions is very important in every language. Italians use many different tenses to talk about past events. In this article, you’re going to learn the Italian past tense passato prossimo. Knowing passato prossimo is very useful since it’s one of the most used past tenses in Italian. Let’s start learning when and …
Examples of compound words in Italian
Compound words are those words which are formed by combining two or more words. In Italian, compound words are especially common in scientific and technical terminology. Some examples of compound words used in scientific fields, for example, are elettrocardiogramma (electrocardiogram) and gastroscopia (gastroscopy). However, you can find many compound words also in standard Italian. Examples …
Some Italian adverbs of time
Learning a foreign language isn’t easy. It requires at least strong commitment, a good amount of curiosity, and the will to reduce shyness. When learning a language, each person encounters different difficulties. Some people struggle to learn new vocabulary. Others, instead, find it more difficult to talk using the right rhythms and tones. If there’s …
Passive sentences in Italian
If you’re a language learner sooner or later you’ll come across passive voice. So, in this article I’m going to teach you how to form passive sentences in Italian. In Italian there are two types of sentences: active sentences and passive sentences. While in active sentences the focus is on the subject who carries out …
Ne in Italian – What does it mean?
There are words in a language that are considered very difficult to master by language learners – have a look at the meanings and uses of the word ci in italian in this article -> What’s the meaning of the word ci in Italian? Let’s take the word ne in Italian. It is considered one …