Every year many Italian towns organize special festivals. One of these festivals takes place in Montelago, a small town in the province of Ancona, in the Marche region. The one organized in Montelago is the biggest Celtic festival in Italy. Why is there a Celtic festival in Italy? Well, in the 3rd century BC the …
visit Italy
Let’s visit Masino Castle
L’Italia ha un numero incredibile di castelli sparsi su tutto il suo territorio da poter visitare. Uno di questi castelli è il Castello di Masino. Italy has an incredible number of castles scattered all over its territory that you can visit. One of these castles is Masino Castle. Il Castello di Masino si trova a …
What to see in Turin and nearby
Turin is an important city in northern Italy with many things to see. It’s the capoluogo (administrative center) of Piedmont and it’s surrounded by the Alpine arch and the Superga hill. In the past, it was the capital of the Duchy of Savoy and it was the main intellectual and political center during the Risorgimento. …
Unesco intangible cultural heritage in Italy
Unesco world heritage sites are quite famous but how many of you know that Unesco doesn’t protect only physical areas and buildings but also intangible things? Unesco intangible cultural heritage includes things such as rituals, oral traditions, festive events, performing arts, knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts and much more. Intangible cultural heritage is …
The Italian May Tournament in Cuorgné
Durante la primavera e l’estate molte città italiane organizzano eventi storici. Uno di questi eventi è organizzato dal comune di Cuorgné nel mese di maggio. During summer and spring many Italian cities organize historical events. One of these events is organized by the town of Cuorgné in May. Cuorgné è un comune piemontese che ogni …