They say when in Rome, do as Romans do. However, travellers know quite well that there are also some behaviors they should avoid if they don’t want to be labeled as tourists. So, for those of you visiting Italy, I’ve decided to write a brief not-to-do list: 1. Don’t use ciao to greet someone you …
visit Italy
How to get rid of bad luck – Italian practices
One day, you wake up late: your alarm clock didn’t go off. Damn it! You have an exam today! You rush to get your car but you stumble and fall. When you finally get to school, you fail your exam. And, on the way back to your car, a bird decides to poop right on …
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 3)
This is the third and last part of the article Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy. If you haven’t read the first two articles yet, you can do it now -> part 1, part 2. DON’T TOUCH THE VEGETABLES, EVER! If you want to grocery shop in Italy, be aware that there is …
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 3)Read More
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 2)
Two weeks ago I talked about four things every tourist should know before visiting Italy. If you haven’t read the article yet, you can do it now -> Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (part 1). This week I’m gonna add four more tips. PUBLIC RESTROOMS If you want to do an escorted …
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 2)Read More
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (part 1)
Every year millions of tourists plan to visit Italy for different reasons – sightseeing, food, culture, etc. If you are one of them, you have probably already read one or more tourist guides to prepare yourself for the trip. Despite this, you could still ignore some useful information. PARKING If you’re hiring a car, for …
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (part 1)Read More