If you plan to visit Italy and stay there for a while, it is possible that, sooner or later, you’ll have to rely on Italian buses to move from one town to another. So, knowing some sentences you can use when taking Italian buses can be very useful and can allow you to travel without …
visit Italy
Four archeological Italian sites to visit
One of the best periods to visit Italy is during spring and summer. In Italy there is a wide range of things that you can do and see, for example there are many archeological Italian sites you can visit. So, in this article I’m going to list four beautiful archeological Italian sites that you can …
Ordering food in Italian – In an Italian café
Cafès are one of the most popular places in Italy. There you can find everything you need for a perfect Italian breakfast such as coffee, cappuccino, tea and infusions, croissants, biscuits, muffins, etc. However, you can find also something to eat for lunch and even for your aperitivo. Indeed, many Italian cafés offer sandwiches, salads, …
Soft Italian cheese
Italy is widely known for the high quality and variety of its products. One of these products is surely Italian cheese. In fact, in Italy every region has a typical cheese. Since I’ve already talked about Hard Italian cheese in another article, today I’d like to focus on some of the most famous and typical …
Four beautiful Italian villages to visit
Italy is famous abroad for its culture and history. Tourists from all over the world come and visit the most popular towns such as Venice, Rome, Florence. However, in Italy there are also many beautiful Italian villages that are still unknown to tourists and where time almost seems to have stopped. So, today I’m going …