In Italia ci sono alcuni edifici che sono stati costruiti in posti strani e includono chiese, santuari e templi. In Italy there are some buildings that were built in weird places and they include churches, sanctuaries and temples. Perciò, oggi vorrei parlare di un tempio italiano costruito in uno di questi posti strani: il Tempio …
Palio of the boats: Il palio delle Barche sul Trasimeno
In Italia, di solito, si organizzano molti eventi nei paesini. Uno di questi eventi spettacolari è organizzato a luglio a Passignano sul Trasimeno, un comune in provincia di Perugia. In Italy many events take often place in small towns. One of these spectacular events happens in Passignano sul Trasimeno, a municipality in the Province of …
Palio of the boats: Il palio delle Barche sul TrasimenoRead More
Italian churches built in the rock
As you surely know, in Italy there are many churches with an incredible history and architecture. However, did you know that there are also some churches that are built in the rock? Today I’d like to talk about some of these churches that can visit while you’re in Italy. Eremo di San Colombano Eremo di …
Italian bivouacs in unique locations – Gervasutti bivouac
Ti piace fare escursioni in montagna e passare del tempo in location uniche? Allora questo articolo fa per te. Do you like hiking and spending time in unique locations? Then this article is for you. Sapevi che in Italia ci sono dei bivacchi in location uniche? Ovviamente, per arrivarci devi camminare, di solito molto, ma …
Italian bivouacs in unique locations – Gervasutti bivouacRead More
Forest bathing in Oasi Zegna, Italy
Spending time in green spaces can be extremely beneficial for our health. More and more studies are showing this. And for those of you who are a little lazy, like me, the good news is that you don’t necessarily have to do any physical activity to enjoy the benefits nature can give us. The benefits …