If you’re interested in seeing something peculiar during your trip to Italy, today I will help you. In fact, I’m going to list three old bones you can see in Italy. GALILEO’S MIDDLE FINGER This one is a really peculiar relic. Everyone knows Galileo. He’s mostly known for his heliocentric theory. He was …
Four Italian amusement parks for your children
When you travel to a foreign country for your holidays and have your children with you, it’s important to find also some activities to do with them that are fun. So, in this article, I’m going to talk about four Italian amusement parks you can visit with your children. In this list you won’t find …
Most irritating things about Italians
Many people love Italy. Italy has many different landscapes, different traditions, different dilects, different food specialties and several historic places that are definitely worth a visit. Moreover, some people love Italy so much also because they think Italians are warm, relaxed, and excellent lovers. However, some people disagree – about Italians at least – and …
Six Italian food museums to visit in Emilia-Romagna
In Italy you can surely eat delicious food but you can also learn a lot about it by visiting some Italian food museums. In Italy there are many different Italian food museums that are worth a visit. In this article, I’ll talk about six Italian food museums that you can visit if you are in …
Six Italian food museums to visit in Emilia-RomagnaRead More
Italian legends
Italy like every other country has its legends. Italian legends usually change from region to region and are also often linked to real places in Italy. So, if you’re in Italy this year and want to visit some places, be aware that each one of them might hide a legend. In this article you’ll learn …