Love can take many forms. It can be the love of a mother for his child, the love two sisters feel for each other, it can be romantic love, and so on. Today in Italy people are celebrating St. Valentine’s day. Today in this article I’d like to celebrate every shade of love by talking …
Italian destinations to visit in March: Erice
Italy is always a popular destination. There are really many different towns and villages you can visit once there. One of the best period to visit Italy is, in my opinion, spring or autumn, especially if you want to avoid the crowds and cold weather. One of the towns you may want to visit is …
Italian cities to visit in winter: Bolzano
If you’re still unsure about the destination to choose for your winter holidays, Italy can be a good choice. Indeed, winter can be the perfect time to be in Italy since the most famous Italian cities are usually free from summer crowds. There are many Italian cities you can decide to visit in Winter but …
Five things about Italians that surprise first-time visitors
During my lessons I meet people from all over the world. Some of them have already visited Italy at least once, some others, instead, haven’t done it yet. People who did go to Italy, have usually different stories to tell. So, today I’ve decided to write about some of the aspects they didn’t expect to …
Five things about Italians that surprise first-time visitorsRead More
Italian events in November
Did you know that every month there are special Italian events in every part of Italy? Isn’t it awesome? Let’s see some of the events you can join if you happen to be in Italy in November. 1. Barter week This is the first of the Italian events happening in November that is worth mentioning. …