Italian expressions for estimation and approximation offer colorful ways to convey imprecise values in conversations. Let’s explore a small selection of Italian phrases that capture the essence of approximating values in everyday communication. 1. Più o meno This is one of the most common Italian expressions used to convey approximation you’ll probably hear when in …
Sos Italian
The Five Senses in five Italian expressions
Using our five senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—is really important when learning a new language. They help us absorb information better and remember it more effectively. So, today let’s use them in a slightly different way. You’ll keep improving your Italian by exploring five different Italian expressions, each one linked to one of your …
Learn new Italian words with this method
Uno dei tanti modi che abbiamo per ampliare il nostro vocabolario italiano è quello di imparare parole che hanno suoni simili ma significati suoni simili ma con significati molto diversi. One of the many ways we have to broaden our Italian vocabulary is to learn words that share similar sounds but have very different meanings. …
What’s the difference between smettere and fermare?
Smettere and fermare are two verbs that might confuse English speakers at first because in English the translation for both verbs is always “to stop”. However, in Italian, as you might have already guessed, smettere and fermare hold distinct meanings and applications. So, today you will learn how to use smettere and fermare in Italian …
What’s the difference between smettere and fermare?Read More
Let’s learn question words in Italian
Language is a bridge to understanding, and questions are the tools that help us build that bridge. In Italian, as in any language, question words play a crucial role in communication. They help us seek information, clarify doubts, and engage in meaningful conversations. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Italian question words, …