Every country has some stereotypes about other countries and their citizens. And it’s said that each stereotype contains at least a grain of truth. So, in today’s article I want to focus on eight of the most common stereotypes about Italians, and give you my opinion about them. 1. ITALIANS GESTURE A LOT That’s true. …
Sos Italian
Italian comparative – comparativo di minoranza e uguaglianza
In a past article I introduced the Italian comparative, talking about the comparative of superiority – il comparativo di maggioranza. Today, I explain instead the formation rules of the Italian comparative of minority and equality – il comparativo di minoranza e uguaglianza. COMPARATIVO DI MINORANZA – EXPRESSING MINORITY FORMATION To express minority Italian uses the …
Italian comparative – comparativo di minoranza e uguaglianzaRead More
Learn Italian color idioms
Idiomatic expressions are one of the most problematic areas for any language learner. The difficulty arises from the fact that these sentences don’t have a literal sense. This means that both their composition doesn’t come natural to learners, and their meaning isn’t easy to guess. For these reasons idioms are usually taught when students already …
Learn the comparativo di maggioranza – the comparative of superiority
As the word suggests, the comparative is a construction that allows to compare two or more entities – verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives or adverb – expressing some degree of superiority, inferiority or equality. The first entity is the primo termine di paragone (first term of comparison), while the second is the secondo termine di paragone …
Learn the comparativo di maggioranza – the comparative of superiorityRead More
Learn Italian false friends
Who’s never used a word assuming it meant something else and, in so doing, s/he has created misunderstandings or awkward situations? Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal. In fact, it’s typical of the language learning process: learners rely on what they know to try to communicate into another language. One of the nightmares par excellence …