Colosseum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Rome. Its construction begun in 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian, and was then completed in 80 AD under his successor Titus. It’s estimated that colosseum could hold at least 50.000 spectators. Due to its large capacity it was also structured in such a way …
Sos Italian
How to recognize fake Italian food (Part 1)
One of the reasons Italy is best known for is its food. Italians use healthy ingredients and create delicious dishes. People from all over the world love the food the Bel Paese can offer. And nowadays they can even find some typical Italian food at the supermarket without necessarily taking a trip to Italy to …
Italian superlative – superlativo relativo e assoluto
If you’re going to Italy this summer, you might want to know how to say in Italian sentences like: This pizza is very good You’re very beautiful You’re very elegant tonight And knowing how to form and use the Italian superlative can really come in handy.In Italian the superlative has two possible forms: superlativo relativo …
Italian superlative – superlativo relativo e assolutoRead More
Eight reasons to learn Italian
In Six reasons to learn a foreign language I talked about some of the reasons why you should start learning a foreign language. Today, I want to share with you eight reasons why you should learn Italian. 1- If you plan to visit Italy, knowing Italian can come in handy. Indeed, not many Italians speak …
Visiting Italy? A not-to-do list
They say when in Rome, do as Romans do. However, travellers know quite well that there are also some behaviors they should avoid if they don’t want to be labeled as tourists. So, for those of you visiting Italy, I’ve decided to write a brief not-to-do list: 1. Don’t use ciao to greet someone you …