If you’re planning to spend some time in Italy, knowing some of the abbreviations people use when texting in Italian can probably come in handy. Since the advent of mobile phones, texting has become always more and more popular. Every day, Italians send more than 150 million text messages. And if at the beginning texting …
Sos Italian
American stereotypes about Italians (Part 1)
I already talked about some stereotypes other cultures have about Italians in a previous article – Eight common stereotypes about Italians. However, searching the web, I came across a video entitled “Some questions Americans have for Italians”. I decided to watch it, and I found out that many of those questions are based on American …
Italians and health problems – Il colpo d’aria
According to many tourists, it seems that we Italians suffer from mysterious ailments. Ailments that strike only our population and are unknown to them. But is there really such a thing as Italian-only ailments? According to some tourists, yes. According to Italians no. It’s time to discover who’s right. COLPO D’ARIA I remember that when …
Halloween in Italy
What can you do if you’re spending Halloween in Italy? Are there some special events or should you resign yourself to having a boring night? As you know quite well, Halloween is a typical American custom. However, it seems that in the last years, Holloween is spreading more and more in Italy too. For example, …
Ti voglio bene – How to show affection in Italian
Today I’m going to teach you the use of a typical Italian expression with the help of my Dutch friend Rob. I knew Rob more than two years ago on a social network. We were both members of a group for people interested in Italian and Italy. Rob is so in love with Italy that …