A couple of weeks ago I talked about the fact that some Italian words can have a completely different meaning in other countries. Now, as I guess you know quite well, in Italian there are many English words like business, mission, mouse, computer, etc. Being able to use some English words in some contexts like …
Sos Italian
Do you know the meaning of these Italian slang words?
As you’re well aware of knowing Italian slang words can help you understand Italians better. In fact, the majority of Italians uses several Italian slang words in everyday life, sometimes without even realizing it. So, in this article you’re going to learn the meaning of seven common Italian slang words. SCLERARE Sclerare is a very …
Do you know the meaning of these Italian slang words?Read More
Four Italian novels to read
During the holidays one of my favourite activities is reading. I usually prefer romance books, generally with a dual-timeline, but I’m open to other genres too like thriller and fantasy books. I generally read these books in English, just to improve my English skills. If you like reading, and want to improve your Italian too, …
Eight Italian sayings about food
New year’s Eve is approaching and there’s surely one thing Italians do well that night: eating. But, instead of giving you some recipes you can cook for New year’s Eve, I’m going to teach you some Italian sayings about food. BUONO COME IL PANE Let’s start with the first Italian idiomatic expression related to food: …
Seven tips to improve your Italian pronunciation
Improving your Italian pronunciation is one of the most difficult tasks when learning this wonderful language. In fact, it’s not just a matter of understanding and mastering the Italian sounds but also of applying the right prosodic features – intonation, rhytm, accent, etc. This, if you want to sound like a native Italian. If you …