Have you ever felt that despite all your efforts your language knowledge doesn’t want to hear about improving? The reality is that many factors can affect language learing, among others motivation, stress, your native language, etc. According to research also sleep has a great role in the way we learn. So, in this article you’ll …
Sos Italian
Seven Italian sayings about food
You cannot think about Italy without thinking about food. Italians and food are strongly interrelated. In Italy, home cooking is still a well-grounded tradition and the research of good natural ingredients almost a pleasure. Italians usually learn how to cook basic Italian dishes when they’re young whether they’re interested in learning how to cook …
How to wish good luck in Italian
Italians are very superstitious and, obviously, they have different gestures and expressions they use to ward off bad luck. In a previous article I focused on some objects and gestures that Italians use against bad luck – How to get rid of bad luck – Italian practices. In this article, instead, I’d like to talk …
Ci in Italian: Some common Italian expressions
All the people learning Italian are usually interested in understanding all the meanings of the curious Italian word ci. Indeed, ci in Italian can really have several different meanings and mastering its use can be sometimes difficult. If you’re interested in learning all the meanings the Italian particle ci can have, have a look at …
Let’s learn the meanings of the Italian verb farsi
In every language there are words that have multiple meanings – Have a look at Tricky words in Italian: Italian homographs. When learning a foreign language, like Italian, these words are usually some of the most tricky to learn, even if they’re widely used. One of these words, for example, is the English verb to …