If you’ve been reading my blog lately, you’ll surely know that some time ago I started a series of small guides to help you master basic Italian sentences in different situations. For example, if you want to rent an apartment for your Italian staying, have a look at Renting apartments in Italy – Things to …
Sos Italian
Ten Italian masculine and feminine nouns with different meanings
As you might know very well, in Italian nouns can be masculine, feminine or, in some cases they can be both. Some nouns have the same meaning even if their gender changes. For example, the word impiegato means male clerk, the word impiegata means female clerk. However, some other Italian nouns change their meaning according …
Ten Italian masculine and feminine nouns with different meaningsRead More
Italian Christmas traditions
I’m a bit late, I know, Christmas has passed. However I believe it’s always a good time to learn some Italian Christmas traditions and some Italian Christmas vocabulary. So, here we are. As you might know, Christmas is one of the most important feast days in Italy, since it’s strictly connected to Christianity. For those …
Five multiple meaning words in Italian
In two previous articles we saw that in Italian there are words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently according to where the accent falls, and consequently have different meanings. You can have a look at Tricky words in Italian: Italian homographs and Italian accent – Learn to pronounce Italian words correctly. However, in …
Italian shoes – In an Italian shop
Italian shoes are famous all around the world, together with Italian fashion. Gucci, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo are just some of the most famous Italian brands related to shoes – and not only to that. If you travel to Italy, and visit some of the biggest cities, I’m sure that between cultural tours you’ll manage to …