One way to improve your Italian is watching tv series or movies in Italian – in case they’re too difficult, you can turn on subtitles. In fact, watching tv series in Italian allows you to: So, today I’m giving you a short list of Italian tv series you can watch. Incastrati Incastrati is a 2022 …
Sos Italian
Five shades of hearing and listening in Italian
Knowing a good amount of vocabulary in a foreign language is super important since the very beginning if you want to convey the right message, even if the grammatical structures you use aren’t perfect. As you get better with your Italian, knowing more and more words not only helps you convey the right meaning, but …
Basta! What does it mean in Italian?
Basta is an extremely useful word in Italian that can be used in many occasions. So today I’m going to explain to you how to use it. You’ll see how useful it is! That’s enough, stop it! The first use of basta is to show your frustration. Indeed, you use it to say that you’ve …
Mentre and Durante: What’s the difference?
The Italian words mentre and durante at the beginning can cause some confusion in some learners because both are used to express time. However, there’s a small difference between the two. Today you’re gonna learn how to use mentre and durante once for all. Mentre The Italian word mentre can indicate a contrast. So, the …
Speak Italian informally with manco
Everyone who can speak some Italian and comes to Italy realizes sooner or later that informal Italian can be a little bit different from standard Italian. So, today I’d like to help you improve a little bit your informal Italian by introducing you to the Italian word manco. Manco Manco is an Italian word that …