Tipo is one of those Italian words that can carry different meanings. And it’s also a very useful word too, since it’s widely used both in standard Italian and in informal Italian. Are you ready to learn all the ways in which you can use the Italian word tipo? Then, let’s start! How to use …
Sos Italian
Italian ways to ward off bad luck
I think every country believes in some sort of bad luck, and every country has one or more ways to cope with it or to ward it off. Italy is no exception. So, today I’d like to talk about three Italian ways to ward off bad luck for good. Toccare ferro One of the most …
Let’s learn ten Italian collocations
Collocations are a group of two or more words that almost always come together to create a specific meaning, like make trouble instead of do trouble or fast food instead of quick food. Different combinations may sound weird to a native speaker. So, learning Italian collocations is important if you want to speak Italian and …
Italian expressions to use when your child doesn’t want to eat
Everyone knows that every child has some dishes they don’t particularly like, right? When I was little, for example, I didn’t really like certain fish, liver, bresaola, tripe, vegetables or cheese (these last two with some very few exceptions). Now, I could live without eating liver or bresaola but, as you know, vegetables are super …
Italian expressions to use when your child doesn’t want to eatRead More
When do you use uscire in Italian?
Uscire is one of those Italian verbs that can have several meanings according to the context in which they’re used. Do you think you know all the meanings of the verb uscire in Italian? Let’s see… Uscire 1.The first meaning the verb uscire can have in Italian is to go out to have fun. Examples: …