In Italian there are some words that are written in the same way but carry different meanings. To convey the right meaning, it’s important that you learn to pronounce them with the right accent. Let’s see eight of these words. Ambito If you put the accent on the first syllable, àmbito, you convey the meaning …
Sos Italian
How to use the verb piacere in Italian
To like or not to like? If you want to talk about the things you like in Italian, you could have a hard time at the beginning. In fact, the structure of the verb piacere in Italian is very different from its English equivalent to like. Since many people seem to have problems with this …
One Italian verb for an entire English expression
The way we express a concept changes, of course, from language to language. Today I’s like to focus on fifteen common English expressions that can be translated with one Italian verb. Are you ready? Let’s start! One Italian verb for an expression 1. To have a good time = divertirsi Ex: Ieri mi sono divertito …
Ten Italian collocations that are easy to remember
As you know, every language uses specific combinations of words to express certain concepts. For example, in English you say to fulfil a wish, in Italian we would say realizzare un desiderio. This special combination of words is called a collocation. Collocations can be difficult to learn in other languages because they can be completely …
Eight extremely used Italian words
There are some words that Italians use very often, sometimes, without even realizing it. These words are extremely useful if you wish to sound like a real Italian. So, today, we’re going to see some of these Italian words. Ready? Let’s start! 1. Allora – The first of today’s Italian words is allora. In spoken …