Italian history is also made of Italian women who fought and gave their support to try to make the difference. Today I’d like to talk about one of these Italian women patriots. Her name is Colomba Antonietti. Who was Colomba Antonietti? Colomba Antonietti was born in Bastia Umbra, in the Umbria region, in 1826. When …
Unesco intangible cultural heritage in Italy
Unesco world heritage sites are quite famous but how many of you know that Unesco doesn’t protect only physical areas and buildings but also intangible things? Unesco intangible cultural heritage includes things such as rituals, oral traditions, festive events, performing arts, knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts and much more. Intangible cultural heritage is …
Mardi gras recipes – Italian chiacchiere
In Italy every year we celebrate Mardi gras. Mardi Gras, literally fat Tuesday, was celebrated because it was the last day Catholics could eat fatty foods before starting a 40 days light food diet for Easter. Today Mardi Gras in Italy is mainly a celebration day where people dress in costumes and gather to watch …
The spring of Arethusa – Siracusa’s legends
Siracusa è una città italiana molto famosa che si trova in Sicilia. Ci sono molte cose da vedere lì come i siti archeologici, grotte spettacolari, il museo archeologico, un grande castello e, ovviamente, la fonte di Aretusa. Siracusa is a very famous Italian city located in Sicily. There are many things to see there like …
Italian Christmas customs (Part 1)
Christmas is approaching fast. So, this year I’ve decided to talk about Italian Christmas customs. Of course, some traditions are different from family to family but I think that many of the points I’m going to touch today are so general that are spread all over Italy. Nativity scene As you know, the majority of …