In Italy Easter is one of the most important celebrations. The main Easter traditions in Italy are generally: the mass (for believers), eggs and colomba, a traditional Italian cake. Today I’d like to talk about one of the many special Easter traditions that takes place in Italy: the egg festival. The egg festival The egg …
Palio di Ribusa
Ogni anno in Italia vengono organizzate molte rievocazioni storiche. Una di queste si svolge a Stilo, in Calabria, e si chiama Palio di Ribusa. Many historical re-enactments are organized in Italy every year. One of these events takes place in Stilo, in Calabria, and it’s called Palio di Ribusa. Il Palio L’obiettivo del palio è …
The Legend of Alaric’s Treasure
In Italia ci sono molte leggende su luoghi famosi o personaggi famosi. Una di queste leggende riguarda il re Alarico I e il suo tesoro. Vediamola. There are many legends about famous places in Italy or about famous characters. One of these legends is about King Alaric I and his treasure. Let’s see it. Alaric’s …
Three Do’s and Don’ts in Italy
State pensando di trasferirvi in Italia o di viverci per un lungo periodo? In questo caso, è meglio che impariate queste tre cose riguardo alle cose da fare o da non fare in Italia, così sarete preparati – almeno un po’! Are you thinking of moving to Italy or just living there for some time? …
Calcio fiorentino
As you probably know, one of the most important sports for Italians is soccer, il calcio. People consider it a very serious topic, so if you haven’t a lot of free time to spend, don’t even try to start a conversation about calcio with an Italian, especially not after some match! Why? Because you seriously …