Italy is widely known for the high quality and variety of its products. One of these products is surely Italian cheese. In fact, in Italy every region has a typical cheese. Since I’ve already talked about Hard Italian cheese in another article, today I’d like to focus on some of the most famous and typical …
Four fake myths about the Roman Empire you thought were true
When you think about the history of Italy, your thoughts immediately go to the Romans and the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire is remembered for bringing political stability and prosperity – at least in the first centuries of its foundation – and for being the most powerful economic, cultural, political and military force at the …
Four fake myths about the Roman Empire you thought were trueRead More
Four beautiful Italian villages to visit
Italy is famous abroad for its culture and history. Tourists from all over the world come and visit the most popular towns such as Venice, Rome, Florence. However, in Italy there are also many beautiful Italian villages that are still unknown to tourists and where time almost seems to have stopped. So, today I’m going …
Seven common Italian superstitions
In Italy, as in many other countries, there are many superstitions. Italian superstitions can concern numbers, objects, words, and gestures. Superstitions in Italy can refer to positive things, like finding a four-leaf clover – it’ll bring you good luck or they can refer to negative things, like breaking a mirror – it’ll bring you 7 …
Visit these beautiful Italian coastal towns
Summer is approaching and it’s time to think about where to spend your holidays. If you like Italy and the sea, in this article I’m going to make a small list of some of the most beautiful coastal towns to see when in Italy. All these beautiful Italian coastal towns have wonderful sea, breathtaking views …