Everyone loves Italian cooking but do you really know how to cook the most famous traditional Italian dishes? For example, amatriciana – or matriciana – is one of the most known Italian dishes in the world. Let’s see how to prepare the authentic amatriciana recipe. Amatriciana Pasta all’amatriciana is one of the most famous dishes …
Dive into nature visiting these two Italian national parks
If you can’t wait to visit Italy when the lockdown is over, what I’m about to write might interest you: a real dive into nature. Here are two Italian national parks to take into consideration for your next holiday in Italy if you want to dive into nature. 1. Pollino national park One of …
Dive into nature visiting these two Italian national parksRead More
Guilt-free chocolate cake
I tried this guilt-free chocolate cake some weeks ago, when in Italy we were forbidden to leave our homes – except for 200 meters walks, and very important reasons, such as buying food, and medicines or going to work. During those weeks keeping in shape was very hard – the only “serious” physical activity I …
The Strega Prize
The Strega Prize is one of the most important Italian literary awards. It all started in 1944 when Maria and Goffredo Bellonci decided to host a literary salon in their home in Rome. They invited artists, writers, intellectuals and soon they became known as the “Sunday friends” – Gli amici della domenica. Three years later …
Five interesting facts about Italy
Everyone knows Italy. It’s known all around the world for food, culture, its “crazy” citizens, and yes, even for its politicians and the mob. However, there might still be some things you don’t know about my country. So, today I’ve decided to write about five interesting facts about Italy you may not know. 1. Nation …