How do I start thinking in Italian? This is one of the questions Italian learners sooner or later will ask themselves. Indeed, if you’re or have been a language learner, you have surely noticed that thinking directly in another language can be pretty difficult, especially in the beginning. The most natural and common practice, in …
Six Italian words with opposite meanings
How proficient are you in Italian? Did you know that there are some Italian words with opposite meanings? Nope? Well, today you’ll learn six Italian words with opposite meanings. 1. TIRARE Tirare is a very common Italian verb that carries two opposite meanings. Indeed, tirare can mean both to exert force to move something toward …
Italian multiple meaning words
In Italian there are many words that carry more than one meaning. You’ve already learnt some of these words in Six Italian double meaning words. Today, you’re going to learn 5 more Italian multiple meaning words. 1. CAMPO The word campo in Italian can have several meanings. Campo can indicate: a. An area of land, …
Let’s learn Italian soccer words
Benefits of physical activity on learning abilities are widely known. Memory boost and better concentration are only two of the many benefits you can get with some physical activity – Have a look at Learn languages faster for more info. And if you’re thinking “No thanks, I’m lazy, physical activity is not really my thing” …
In an Italian office – Useful sentences
Whether you’re working for an international company or you’re about to start a new job/stage in Italy, knowing some basic sentences you can use in an Italian office can be useful. GREETINGS When it comes to greetings, there’s nothing new you need to know. General formal and informal Italian greetings are all you need to …