Many people are interested in having a list of basic Italian sentences to learn. It’s a little bit difficult to list all these sentences since they differ according to the topic. So, in this article I’m going to list some basic Italian sentences divided per topic. AVOIDING CONFUSION Italian can be confusing at the beginning. …
How to book a room in a hotel in Italy
Nowadays more and more people choose to spend their holidays outside their country or even in another continent. And Italy is one of the most popular places to go. So, one of the first things you should worry about when planning a holiday is choosing a flight, and a hotel where you’ll be staying. Even …
Eight common Italian sentences with the word gioco
Mastering Italian idiomatic expressions is one of the things that make the difference between being an intermediate Italian learner and an advanced learner. Italian has several idiomatic expressions and Italians usually use different Italian idiomatic expressions every day without even realizing it. If you want to know some common Italian sentences related to colors and …
Ordering food in Italian – In an Italian café
Cafès are one of the most popular places in Italy. There you can find everything you need for a perfect Italian breakfast such as coffee, cappuccino, tea and infusions, croissants, biscuits, muffins, etc. However, you can find also something to eat for lunch and even for your aperitivo. Indeed, many Italian cafés offer sandwiches, salads, …
Let’s learn Italian pronominal verbs
In Italian there is a group of verbs called pronominal verbs. Italian pronominal verbs are verbs that change their meaning when combined with pronominal particles – ci, ne, la – or with reflexive pronouns. Sometimes this change is small, some others it’s rather deep. So, today you’re going to learn seven very common Italian pronominal …