As you know, every language uses specific combinations of words to express certain concepts. For example, in English you say to fulfil a wish, in Italian we would say realizzare un desiderio. This special combination of words is called a collocation. Collocations can be difficult to learn in other languages because they can be completely …
Italian vocabulary
Eight extremely used Italian words
There are some words that Italians use very often, sometimes, without even realizing it. These words are extremely useful if you wish to sound like a real Italian. So, today, we’re going to see some of these Italian words. Ready? Let’s start! 1. Allora – The first of today’s Italian words is allora. In spoken …
Italian ways to ward off bad luck
I think every country believes in some sort of bad luck, and every country has one or more ways to cope with it or to ward it off. Italy is no exception. So, today I’d like to talk about three Italian ways to ward off bad luck for good. Toccare ferro One of the most …
When do you use uscire in Italian?
Uscire is one of those Italian verbs that can have several meanings according to the context in which they’re used. Do you think you know all the meanings of the verb uscire in Italian? Let’s see… Uscire 1.The first meaning the verb uscire can have in Italian is to go out to have fun. Examples: …
Lasciare in Italian – What does it mean?
Lasciare is a very common Italian verb that can have different meanings. Do you think you know them all? Let’s see… Lasciare The first meaning of the Italian verb lasciare is to stop holding, touching, pressing something or someone. Examples: a. Non è stabile. Se lo lasci, cade. It’s not stable. If you let it …