Lasciare is a very common Italian verb that can have different meanings. Do you think you know them all? Let’s see… Lasciare The first meaning of the Italian verb lasciare is to stop holding, touching, pressing something or someone. Examples: a. Non è stabile. Se lo lasci, cade. It’s not stable. If you let it …
Italian vocabulary
Do you know how to use the verb partire in Italian?
The Italian verb partire can be used to convey many different meanings. Do you think you know how to use the Italian verb partire properly? Test yourself with this new article. Partire The first meaning of partire is to go away from a place or from a person, generally (but not always) travelling for a …
Do you know how to use the verb partire in Italian?Read More
Six Italian neologisms
People make the language. Hence, languages evolve with time. In Italian every year there is a certain number of new words – neologisms – that appear in the Italian language. Some of them are completely made up, while some others are inspired by words from other languages, especially English. So, today, I’ll list six Italian …
Circa and Verso – What’s the difference?
The Italian words circa and verso share at least one meaning in common. In fact, they can both mean approximately. So, when should I use circa and when verso instead? Let’s see all the meanings circa and verso can have first and then their difference. Circa Circa has at least two important meanings: Circa means …
Five shades of hearing and listening in Italian
Knowing a good amount of vocabulary in a foreign language is super important since the very beginning if you want to convey the right message, even if the grammatical structures you use aren’t perfect. As you get better with your Italian, knowing more and more words not only helps you convey the right meaning, but …