L’estate è arrivata e allora ho pensato: perché non imparare un po’ di vocabolario italiano relativo all’estate? Summer is here so I thought, why don’t we learn some Italian summer vocabulary? Gli italiani amano l’estate! È un periodo in cui molte persone vanno in vacanza e si godono il clima caldo, le attività all’aperto e …
Italian vocabulary
How to use anche in Italian properly
The Italian word “anche” is one of the most commonly used words in the Italian language. It has multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to use “anche” properly to avoid confusion, misunderstandings and sound like a native. Here are some tips on how to use the …
Eight Idiomatic Phrasal verbs in Italian – I verbi sintagmatici
Do phrasal verbs exist in Italian? The answer is yes. In Italian we have some verbs called verbi sintagmatici. These verbs are composed of a verb plus a particle (accanto, addosso, appresso, attorno, avanti, contro, dentro, dietro, fuori, giù, incontro, indietro, intorno, lontano, oltre, sopra, sotto, su, via, vicino). In some cases, you can easily …
Eight Idiomatic Phrasal verbs in Italian – I verbi sintagmaticiRead More
What’s the difference between magari and forse?
If you’ve talked to Italians before, you’ve surely heard the words magari and forse. And maybe you’ve started to wonder if they have the same meaning or if there is a difference between these two Italian words. Well, today all your questions will be answered. Let’s start. Magari 1. Wish, desire Magari can be used …
What do figo, figata and fighetto mean?
If you have ever been to Italy and have heard some conversations Italians do, you’ve probably already run into the words figo, figata and maybe also fighetto. But what do they mean exactly? And when can we use them? Well, you’re about to learn it! But first I need to precise something. Figo, figata and …