Everyone who’s come to Italy once in his life, has surely noticed that many Italians don’t have a good command of English. So, knowing and understanding at least some basic Italian travel phrases might be very useful for you if you ever decide to come and visit Italy. For this reason, today I’m going to …
Italian vocabulary
The meanings of the Italian words magari and infatti
Magari and infatti are two common Italian words that Italians use daily. But these two words do not have only one meaning and can be used in different ways. Do you think you know all the meanings of these two Italian words and how to use them? If not, keep reading because today you’ll learn …
The meanings of the Italian words magari and infattiRead More
Six Italian words with opposite meanings
How proficient are you in Italian? Did you know that there are some Italian words with opposite meanings? Nope? Well, today you’ll learn six Italian words with opposite meanings. 1. TIRARE Tirare is a very common Italian verb that carries two opposite meanings. Indeed, tirare can mean both to exert force to move something toward …
How to get a haircut in Italy
If you live in Italy for a while, sooner or later, you’ll need a haircut. So, what are the steps to follow to get a haircut in Italy? And what are the main Italian words and sentences you need to know to survive at the hairdresser’s in Italy? PARRUCCHIERE OR BARBIERE? If you want to …
Renting a car in Italy – Useful sentences
What if you are in Italy and decide to rent a car to visit small Italian villages? The majority of car rentals in big cities generally have employees who speak English. So you usually don’t need to worry about your knowledge of Italian when renting a car in Italy. However, just in case, I’m going …