There are many ways in which you can improve your Italian: by listening to podcasts or songs, by watching tv series or movies, by speaking to native speakers, etc. One of the things you’ll notice when you do one of the activities mentioned above to improve your Italian is that Italians use many words in …
Italian vocabulary
Four idioms with the Italian verb girare
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the Italian verb girare, explaning some of the meanings it can have. Today, I’d like to focus again on the verb girare because in Italian there are many idiomatic expressions that require this verb. So, let’s learn some of them. 1. Far girare le scatole Far girare …
Eight meanings of the Italian verb girare
Sometimes a simple verb you know, like girare – to turn – can actually surprise you. Indeed, it’s one of those Italian verbs that can have more than one meaning. Do you think you know all the meanings it can have? If you’re not sure, don’t worry, you’re in the right place because today I’m …
The uses of the Italian verb scherzare
Ma che scherzi? Davvero non conosci la parola scherzare? That’s a pity because the Italian verb scherzare has many uses in Italian, and it’s one of the words Italians use pretty often. So, today I’m going to teach you the uses of the Italian verb scherzare. 1. To play cheerfully The first meaning of the …
Four Italian words that carry opposite meanings
Did you know that in Italian there are some words that carry opposite meanings? It’s as if the same word could mean both black and white. Confusing? Well, not so much if you can grasp the right meaning from the context. Let’s see four Italian words that carry opposite meanings and some examples of their …