Pure is a very common Italian word that can have different meanings according to the context. So, let’s see all the meanings of the word pure and how to use it properly. Pure The first thing to mention is that this word is pronounced with an accent on the first syllable – pu’-re – and …
Italian vocabulary
Conoscere and sapere. What’s the difference?
Conoscere and sapere might be confusing at first because they can have a very similar meaning. In this article you’ll learn the meaning of conoscere and sapere and how to use them properly. Conoscere Conoscere is used in Italian when you want to say that you’re acquainted with someone or something. You know you’re acquainted …
Six Italian linguistic clichés – Frasi fatte
Every language has some linguistic clichés. Linguistic clichés are sayings that have been used so much that they have become trite, overly familiar or common place like: “light as a feather” or “no pain no gain”. Of course, even in Italian there are many linguistic clichés. They all express thoughts and ideas that are usually …
Let’s learn Italian euphemisms
A euphemism is a word or an expression used in place of another one that is considered offensive by native speakers or that suggests unpleasant things. Of course, there are many Italian euphemisms and the majority of them are used to avoid using words and expressions that address topics considered embarrassing or negative like death, …
Uffa, immagino, cavolo – Three italian words to speak like a native
Non è un segreto che gli italiani usino tutti i giorni molte parole e espressioni informali e non. It’s no secret that Italians use many informal – and not so informal – words and expressions every day. Oggi vi insegnerò tre di queste parole così potrete iniziare ad usarle per sembrare un po’ di più …
Uffa, immagino, cavolo – Three italian words to speak like a nativeRead More