The Italian word combinare can be used in different ways. Today, I’m going to list all the main uses of the Italian word combinare. Combinare 1. The first meaning of the Italian word combinare is to unite things according to a criterion or for a specific purpose. Examples: a. Se combiniamo il giallo con il …
Italian vocabulary
Do you know all the meanings of the Italian verb tenere?
Tenere is a very common Italian verb that can be used in different contexts. Today I will explain the most common and useful meanings of the Italian verb tenere. Tenere 1. The first meaning of tenere is to hold something, generally using your hands or arms, to be sure it won’t fall or slip. Example: …
Do you know all the meanings of the Italian verb tenere?Read More
Do you know all the meanings of the Italian verb grattare?
Il verbo italiano grattare può avere diversi significati. Inoltre, alcuni italiani non utilizzano il verbo grattare in modo corretto, quindi vediamo tutti i significati di questo verbo italiano. The Italian verb grattare can have different meanings. In addition, some Italians use the verb grattare wrongly, so let’s see all the meanings of this Italian verb. …
Do you know all the meanings of the Italian verb grattare?Read More
Are you sure you know how to say “because” in Italian?
Are you really sure you know how to translate the word because in Italian? Sometimes, my students use the word perché incorrectly in Italian. This usually happens because in English the word because is used also in contexts where Italians won’t use it. So, today I’ll explain some of the ways you have to translate …
Are you sure you know how to say “because” in Italian?Read More
How to learn four new Italian words from the word arcobaleno
Alcune settimane fa, qui dove vivo, ci sono stati dei temporali. Dopo alcuni di essi, sono apparsi degli arcobaleni. Some weeks ago, here where I live, we had some thunderstorms. After some of them, some rainbows appeared. Quando ho visto il primo, stranamente, mi è venuta in mente la parola inglese “rainbow” prima della parola …
How to learn four new Italian words from the word arcobalenoRead More