When I was a child, my parents used to tell me fables to make me sleep. Two of the most popular children’s authors in Italy aren’t Italian at all but German. I’m talking about brothers Grimm. If you don’t know them, they wrote stories such as Cinderella, The frog prince, Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, fables …
Italian culture
Italian women patriots
Italian history is also made of Italian women who fought and gave their support to try to make the difference. Today I’d like to talk about one of these Italian women patriots. Her name is Colomba Antonietti. Who was Colomba Antonietti? Colomba Antonietti was born in Bastia Umbra, in the Umbria region, in 1826. When …
Unesco intangible cultural heritage in Italy
Unesco world heritage sites are quite famous but how many of you know that Unesco doesn’t protect only physical areas and buildings but also intangible things? Unesco intangible cultural heritage includes things such as rituals, oral traditions, festive events, performing arts, knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts and much more. Intangible cultural heritage is …
The Italian May Tournament in Cuorgné
Durante la primavera e l’estate molte città italiane organizzano eventi storici. Uno di questi eventi è organizzato dal comune di Cuorgné nel mese di maggio. During summer and spring many Italian cities organize historical events. One of these events is organized by the town of Cuorgné in May. Cuorgné è un comune piemontese che ogni …
Isabella di Morra and the castle of Valsinni
The castle of Valsinni is in the province of Matera, in Basilicata, and dates back to 1000a.D. It’s famous because it’s the place where the famous poet Isabella di Morra was borned and lived. The Morra family came into possession of the castle in the 16th century and owned it until 1638, when it became …