Italian wine is one of the most well-known and loved Italian drinks in the world. If you love Italian wine too, in this article I’m going to talk about the origins of Italian wine and about some common Italian terms related to wine. ORIGINS OF ITALIAN WINE The origins of wine are still uncertain. Researchers …
Italian culture
How to order an ice-cream in Italy
Ice cream, in Italian gelato, is one of the most famous Summer desserts in Italy. If you go to Italy during Summer you’ll see plenty of people walking down the streets while eating gelato. It’s a tradition and it’s also one of the most delicious sweets you can taste in Italy – surely, if you …
Five things that bring good luck in Italy
As I already mentioned in a few articles, Italians are rather superticious. So, also in Italy, as in any other country, you’ll find some object or practices that are thought to bring good luck. In this article, you’re going to learn some of the objects and practices that are considered to bring good luck in …
Italian catacombs to visit
As you well know in Italy there are many interesting historical places to see. One of these places are Italian catacombs. Catacombs are ancient underground burial places. Originally the term referred only to Roman catacombs but in the XIX century it was estended to any underground burial palce with similar features. The most famous Italian …
Beautiful Italian isles – Elba isle
Italy has many isles. The biggest and most famous ones are surely Sicily and Sardinia. However, there are also some smaller Italian isles that are worth a visit, especially during Summer. One of these Italian isles is the famous Elba isle. Elba is in Tuscany and is part of the Arcipelago Toscano national park. On …