Firenze è una delle città italiane più belle e conosciute. Però, come ogni città italiana, anche Firenze nasconde delle vere e proprie gemme. Florence is one of the most beautiful and known Italian cities. However, as every Italian city also Florence has its share of hidden gems. Scopriamo una di queste gemme nascoste: La statua …
Italian culture
Carlina, the Italian ghost in the Milan Cathedral
Il Duomo di Milano è piuttosto famoso ma quanti di voi sanno che c’è un fantasma che lo infesta? The Cathedral of Milan is quite famous but how many of you know that there’s a ghost haunting it? E’ una delle tante leggende milanesi e parla del fantasma di Carlina. This is one of the …
Italian churches built in weird places
In Italia ci sono alcuni edifici che sono stati costruiti in posti strani e includono chiese, santuari e templi. In Italy there are some buildings that were built in weird places and they include churches, sanctuaries and temples. Perciò, oggi vorrei parlare di un tempio italiano costruito in uno di questi posti strani: il Tempio …
Italian churches built in the rock
As you surely know, in Italy there are many churches with an incredible history and architecture. However, did you know that there are also some churches that are built in the rock? Today I’d like to talk about some of these churches that can visit while you’re in Italy. Eremo di San Colombano Eremo di …
Things that contribute to make Italy special
Italy is known for its incredible historical and cultural heritage, however there might still be one thing or two you don’t know about this wonderful country.So, today I’d like to make a small list of some of the things that contribute to make Italy special. Santa Maria Novella Pharmacy How can a pharmacy contribute to …