Italian Carnival is one of the most colorful and joyful celebrations, marking the period before Lent with extravagant masks, festive parades, and delicious treats. But where does Carnival originate? What are the most famous Carnivals in Italy? And what do Italians eat during this festive season? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Italian Carnival! …
Italian culture
Sabbioneta: A Small Italian Town You Must Visit
If you’re planning a holiday in Italy and are looking to venture beyond the well-trodden tourist paths, Sabbioneta is the hidden gem you’ve been searching for. Located in the Lombardy region, this small Italian town offers a unique blend of history, art, and culture that rivals even Italy’s most famous cities. Despite its size, Sabbioneta …
Cividale del Friuli: An Unknown Italian Gem
If you’re learning Italian and interested in exploring Italy beyond the well-known tourist destinations, there’s an Italian gem waiting for you: Cividale del Friuli. Located in the northeastern region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Cividale is an ancient town with a rich history, beautiful architecture, and a serene atmosphere, making it a perfect spot for those who …
Six common Italian Social Customs
When learning Italian as a second language, understanding the social customs behind the words is just as important as mastering vocabulary and grammar. Italian culture places a strong emphasis on how you interact with others, including the way you greet people, express politeness, and navigate the balance between formality and informality. These cultural norms will …
Buying a New Kitchen in Italy
L’acquisto di una nuova cucina è entusiasmante, ma può anche essere frustrante, soprattutto se si è in un paese straniero, come l’Italia. Dalla comprensione del mercato locale alla barriera linguistica, ci sono diversi fattori da considerare quando si acquista una cucina in Italia. Oggi vi illustrerò tutto ciò che dovete sapere per rendere il processo …