If you want to spend some time in Italy you’ve really a vast choice of options to choose from. If you want to spend some time in Italy you’ve really a vast choice of options to choose from. Yes, because Italy can offer many different landscapes. You can choose to spend some time in some …
Italian language
How to use Italian passato remoto
Sometimes students have troubles understanding when and how to use the different tenses the Italian language has. This is often because the use of Italian tenses can be different from the use the same tenses have in their native language or even because some Italian tenses do not exist in their native language. As you …
How to order an ice-cream in Italy
Ice cream, in Italian gelato, is one of the most famous Summer desserts in Italy. If you go to Italy during Summer you’ll see plenty of people walking down the streets while eating gelato. It’s a tradition and it’s also one of the most delicious sweets you can taste in Italy – surely, if you …
Basic Italian phrases about good luck and bad luck
In some previous articles I talked about the importance superstition has for Italians. In particular, I talked about some of the gestures and objects used to ward off bad luck. Today I’d like to go a step further and talk about some basic Italian phrases Italians use to talk about good luck and bad luck. …
Difference between Italian imperfetto and passato prossimo
One of the most difficult Italian topics for English speakers is understanding the difference between imperfetto and passato prossimo. These two tenses are very different compared to how English speakers use simple past and present perfect, so at the beginning, imperfetto and passato prossimo are usually felt as very confusing topics. So, today I’m going …
Difference between Italian imperfetto and passato prossimoRead More