Uscire is one of those Italian verbs that can have several meanings according to the context in which they’re used. Do you think you know all the meanings of the verb uscire in Italian? Let’s see…
1.The first meaning the verb uscire can have in Italian is to go out to have fun.
a. Oggi esco con Daniela e Alice.
Today I go out with Daniela and Alice.
b. Renato esce tutte le sere.
Renato goes out every night.
2. When uscire is used with reference to flowers and plants, it means to blossom, to sprout.
c. E’ uscita una nuova pianta in giardino.
A new plant has sprouted in the garden
d. E’ uscita la prima rosa, finalmente!
The first rose has blossomed, finally!
3. When uscire is used to talk about numbers, it means to draw.
e. Al Superenalotto sono usciti il 7, l’1, il 54, il 92, il 78, il 45, e il 12.
The numbers drawn at the lottery are 7, 1, 54, 92, 78, 45 and 12.
4. When uscire is referred to an object it can mean that that object has been released on the market and it’s available to be bought.
f. Domani esce il nuovo numero della rivista Donna Moderna.
The new issue of Donna Moderna comes out tomorrow.
g. Da quella fabbrica escono cinquemila rubinetti al giorno.
Five thousand taps come out of that factory every day.
5. Uscire means to go outside or to get out from the place where you’re now.
h. Esci dallo sgabuzzino!
Get out of the closet!
i. Esco un attimo in giardino.
I go out in the garden for a moment.
6. Uscire means to date someone.
l. Anna sta uscendo con Federico.
Anna is dating Federico.
7. Uscire means to suddenly appear or come out of somewhere. In this case, uscire is a synonym of sbucare.
m. Il cane è uscito dal nulla, non sono riuscito a frenare!
The dog came out of nowhere, I couldn’t brake!
n. E tu da dove sei uscito?
And where did you come from?
8. When uscire is used with objects or things, it can mean to cross a limit, a level or a path that the thing is supposed to follow.
o. Il fiume è uscito dagli argini
The river came out of the banks
p. L’auto è uscita di strada
The car went off the road
9. Uscire means to succeed in overcoming a physical or moral problem or situation.
q. Elena è finalmente uscita dalla sua depressione
Elena has finally come out of her depression
r. Non è ancora uscita dai suoi disturbi alimentari
She hasn’t come out of her eating disorders yet
10. Uscire in the Italian expression “uscire dagli occhi” means that something disgusts you or gets you bored, generally because you’ve ate a lot of it in the past.
s. Basta pizza! L’abbiamo mangiata per tre giorni di fila, mi esce dagli occhi!
Enough pizza! We ate it for three days in a row, I won’t eat it anymore!
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Original image by kyrono