If you’ve talked to Italians before, you’ve surely heard the words magari and forse. And maybe you’ve started to wonder if they have the same meaning or if there is a difference between these two Italian words. Well, today all your questions will be answered.
Let’s start.
1. Wish, desire
Magari can be used to express wish or desire. When magari carries this meaning, it’s often followed by a verb in the imperfect subjunctive. Let’ see some examples:
Magari potessi restare a vivere per sempre qui!
I wish I could stay and live here forever!
Magari fossimo in finale!
I wish we were in the finals!
2. Yes
Magari is used in answers to say “yes, good idea; yes, I’d like to”. Let’s see a couple of examples:
Ti va un gelato?
Would you like to go for some ice cream?
Ah, magari!
Yes, I’d like to.
Andiamo a prenderci un aperitivo dopo il lavoro?
Shall we go for a drink after work?
Eh, magari!
Yes, I’d love to.
Attention because according to the intonation you use to pronounce magari, you can either mean “yes, good idea” or “maybe”. See number 3 below.
3. Maybe, perhaps
Magari in Italian can be used to convey the meaning of maybe, perhaps. In this case, magari can be replaced by forse.
Magari sbaglio, ma preferisco fare di testa mia.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I prefer to do my own thing.
Magari Dario è in ritardo perché c’è traffico.
Maybe Dario is late because there is traffic.
Andiamo a berci un cappuccino dopo?
Magari, vediamo.
Shall we go for a cappuccino later?
Maybe, we’ll see.
4. Even
In informal speech it can be used to indicate even. Let’s see an example:
Secondo me è capace, magari, di dirti che viene e poi non si fa vedere, eh!
In my opinion, he’s even capable of telling you he’s coming and then not showing up!
5. If you can, if possible
Finally, magari can mean “if you can”, “if possible”.
Magari, fammi uno squillo prima di passare
If possible, give me a ring before you stop by.
Magari lasciagli un messaggio in segreteria se vedi che non risponde.
If possible, leave him a voicemail if you see he doesn’t answer.
1. Mica
In interrogative sentences, forse can be used as an alternative to the word mica. If you want to know more about the word mica in Italian, I suggest you have a look at my article Do you know how to use the Italian word mica?
Hai forse visto i miei auricolari da qualche parte?
Did you see my earphones somewhere?
Avete forse preso voi i documenti che avevo lasciato sul tavolo?
Did you take the papers I had left on the table?
2. Emphasis
In rhetorical questions forse can be used to add some emphasis. So, if you don’t use it, the meaning of the question won’t change.
Certo che sono a dieta, mi hai forse vista mangiare un dolce negli ultimi due mesi?
Of course I am on a diet, have you seen me eat a dessert in the last two months?
Non è vero che sono dura con te! Ti ho forse rimproverato recentemente?
It is not true that I am hard on you! Have I scolded you recently?
3. To be uncertain
Forse can be used in the expression “essere in forse” to indicate that something is still uncertain, that has not been decided yet.
La sua partecipazione è ancora in forse
His participation is still in doubt
La data della partenza è in forse
The date of departure is in doubt
4. Maybe Perhaps
Forse in Italian can be used to convey the meaning of maybe, perhaps. In this case, forse can be replaced with magari.
Forse sbaglio, ma preferisco fare di testa mia.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I prefer to do my own thing.
Forse Dario è in ritardo perché c’è traffico.
Maybe Dario is late because there is traffic.
Forse dopo andiamo a berci un cappuccino.
Maybe we go for a cappuccino later.
Good! Now you know exactly how to use magari and forse.
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Original image by geralt