Everyone who can speak some Italian and comes to Italy realizes sooner or later that informal Italian can be a little bit different from standard Italian.
So, today I’d like to help you improve a little bit your informal Italian by introducing you to the Italian word manco.
Manco is an Italian word that is used only in informal Italian. Its meaning is quite simple, actually, because it means both even and not even.
a. Quel film non è famoso manco io ne ho mai sentito parlare!
That movie isn’t famous, I have never heard of it as well!
b. A questa storia non ci credi manco tu, vero?
You don’t believe this story either, do you?
Manco is especially used in some common expressions. Let’s see them.
There are at least five Italian expressions with the word manco that are used to tell someone that something is not going to happen. In short, they mean “no way”.
Manco per sogno
Manco per idea
Manco morto
Manco se mi paghi
Manco a parlarne
Manco morto
c. Manco per sogno/Manco per idea/Manco morto/Manco se mi paghi/Manco a parlarne/Manco morto! Non indosserò quel costume!
No way! I’m not going wear that costume!
d. Manco per sogno/Manco per idea/Manco morti/Manco se ci pagate/ Manco a parlarne/Manco morto! Non saliremo sul palco a cantare!
No way! We won’t go up on stage and sing!
Manco a farlo apposta is used ironically to say that something happened by coincidence or by chance.
e. Ho steso fuori e si è messo a piovere, manco a farlo apposta!
I hung the laundry outside and, of course, it started to rain!
f. Vado a farmi una doccia e suonano il campanello, manco a farlo apposta!
I go take a shower and, of course, the doorbell rings!
Manco per scherzo means don’t even joke about it.
g. Non dirlo manco per scherzo!
Don’t even joke about it!
Good, now you know how to use the informal Italian word manco. E quest’articolo non era manco così lungo da leggere! – And this article wasn’t even that long to read!
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Original image by pcdazero