Spring is a beautiful season in Italy, marked by blooming flowers, warmer weather, and longer days. We have many Italian sayings to describe the changing of the seasons, and spring is no exception. So, today I’m going to list seven Italian sayings about spring.
Talking about spring with Italian sayings
1. Aprile dolce dormire
This is one of the most known Italian sayings when talking about spring is. This saying literally means sweet sleep in April, and highlights the peaceful and relaxing nature of April, which often brings a sense of calm after the busy winter months. In fact, the rise in temperature generally entices people to sleep more.
2. Aprile non ti scoprire, di un filo non ti vestire
It literally means April, don’t undress yourself, don’t dress in just a thread. This saying warns us against the unpredictable weather in April, which can vary greatly from warm and sunny to cold and rainy. The phrase reminds us to be cautious and prepared for any weather that may come our way.
3. Maggio vai adagio
This Italian saying literally translates to May, go slowly in English. It reminds us that in May it is still too early to dress light, it pays to have a jacket or sweatshirt because the temperature is still not as warm and constant as in summer. So, don’t be in a hurry to wear light clothes.
4. Aprile ogni goccia è un barile
This Italian saying literally means in April, every drop is a barrel. This proverb refers to the abundant rainfall that typically occurs in Italy during the month of April. So, don’t be too surprised if it suddenly starts to rain (at least in the past).
5. Una rondine non fa primavera
This is one of the most common Italian sayings and it literally means one swallow does not make a spring. This proverb suggests that a single event or occurrence is not enough to signify a larger trend or change. This can be used to caution against making assumptions based on incomplete or insufficient evidence. Just as one sighting of a swallow does not necessarily mean that spring has arrived, one positive experience or outcome does not guarantee ongoing success.
6. Per San Benedetto la rondine è sotto al tetto
This Italian saying literally means for Saint Benedict’s day, the swallow is under the roof. It refers to the traditional belief that swallows return to their nests to mate and breed around the feast day of Saint Benedict, which falls on March 21st.
So, the saying is often used to signify the arrival of spring and the return of migratory birds to their nesting grounds.
7. Marzo pazzerello c’è il sole e prendi l’ombrello
This saying literally translates to Crazy March, there is sun and you take your umbrella. The proverb refers to the unpredictable weather patterns that are common in Italy during the month of March.
The saying suggests that even though the sun may be shining, one should still be prepared for sudden rain showers or other weather changes by carrying an umbrella.
Did you already know some of these Italian saying about spring? Are there similar sayings in your country?
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Original image by JillWellington