In Italian, as in every other language, there are proverbs for any occasion and about any topic.
Many of these proverbs come with a rhyme, some others don’t.
Today I’d like to focus on seven common Italian proverbs.
1. Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera
This old Italian proverb is actually very similar to an English one, Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight, and indicates that if the sky is pink or red during the sunset, the following day there will be clear skies.
2. A buon intenditore poche parole
This Italian proverb have one meaning but two possible uses. It means wise or intelligent people don’t need long explanations to understand something.
I can use this Italian proverb in a standard sentence but I can also use it as a warning, meaning that I know you’ve understood what I’ve just said and you’d better remember it.
3. Bacco, tabacco e Venere riducon l’uomo in cenere
This Italian proverb comes as a warning. To understand the meaning of this proverb we have to have some grasp of Roman mythology, in particular of Roman Gods.
Bacco was the God of wine, while Venere was the goddess of love. So, this proverb basically says that wine, smoke and love ruin men.
4. Chi si somiglia si piglia
This Italian proverb tells you that people usually start relationships only with people that have a personality similar to the one they have.
5. Donna al volante, pericolo costante
This Italian proverb usually makes women angry. It says that women are always dangerous when driving.
6. Impara l’arte e mettila da parte
This Italian proverb is about the importance of learning new things. Indeed, it tells you that it’s always better to learn new skills because you can always use them when you need it.
7. Tra moglie e marito non mettere il dito
Finally, this Italian proverb is about marriage. It states that you should never ever interfere between the problems or the issues a husband and a wife can have.
How many of these Italian proverbs did you already know?
Do you agree with them? Do you have similar proverbs in your country?
Original image by aitoff