Many people are convinced that Italians are incredibly romantic. So, today I thought it was a good idea to write something about romantic Italian expressions.
I’ll cover the most simple and common romantic Italian expressions that you can use with your Italian partner.
Breaking the ice
These are standard sentences that can come in handy when you’ve spotted a beautiful Italian boy/girl but don’t know how to break the ice.
– Ciao, posso sedermi vicino a te?
Hi, can I sit next to you?
– Ciao, posso unirmi a te?
Hi, can I join you?
– Ciao, posso offrirti qualcosa?
Hi, can I offer you something?
If s/he says yes, then, you can start talking to try to fare colpo – impress her/him.
If you manage to impress her/him, you’d probably want to ask her/him out.
You can play safe with:
– Ti va di prendere un aperitivo domani/sabato sera?
Do you want to have an aperitivo with me tomorrow/Saturday evening?
– Ti va di uscire con me domani/sabato sera?
Do you want to go out with me tomorrow/Saturday evening?
If the answer is yes, you can ask for his/her mobile number:
– Mi dai il tuo numero?
Would you give me your number?
– Qual è il tuo numero?
What’s your number?
And tell him/her all the details like:
– Passo a prenderti alle 8
I’ll pick you up at 8
– Ci troviamo qui alle 8
We can meet here at 8
These are some of the Italian sentences you can use when you’re dating:
– Sei bellissimo/a stasera
You’re very beautiful tonight
– Sei molto elegante
You’re very elegant
– Sono pazzo di te
I’m crazy about you
– Ti amo
I love you
– Significhi molto per me
You mean a lot to me
– Mi piaci molto
I like you a lot
– Mi sono innamorato di te
I fell in love with you
– Sono cotto di te
I’ve a crush on you
– Grazie per la bella serata
Thank you for the wonderful evening
– Vuoi entrare? (usually not something you would ask on your first date, but hey, that’s up to you)
Do you want to come in?
If you’re dating regularly, how can you tell your friends you’re dating?
– Sto uscendo con qualcuno
I’m dating
– Ho un ragazzo/una ragazza
I’ve got a boyfriend/girlfriend
If you want to marry her/him
If you’ve found Mr. or Ms. Right, here’s the simplest way to ask him/her the big question:
– Vuoi sposarmi?
Will you marry me?
If you want, before saying that, you can say:
Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
If she says yes, and you two get married, she becomes your moglie – wife. If he says yes, and you two get married, he becomes your marito – husband.
Ps: If you want to spend the rest of your life with her/him without marrying her/her, s/he becomes your compagna/o – partner.
Are you interested in some other romantic expressions to say in Italian? Let me know it in the comment section below.
Original image by skeeze