Many people who decide to start learning Italian, have difficulties to understand the difference between ricordare and ricordarsi. Especially learners coming from English speaking countries.
The fact is that in the majority of the cases they believe that ricordare means to remember, while ricordarsi means to remind.
However, this is a big oversimplification and it’s far from being the truth.
So, today, I’ve decided to write an article about ricordare and ricordarsi, to make you understand that these two verbs are more similar than you think.
What do ricordare and ricordarsi mean?
Ricordare and ricordarsi
They both can mean:
1. to bring back, have or keep a piece of information into your mind or memory.
a. “Dove hai messo il portafoglio?” “Non ricordo.”
“Dove hai messo il portafoglio?” “Non mi ricordo”
“Where did you put the wallet?” “I can’t remember.”
b. Non ricordo nulla della mia infanzia in Italia.
Non mi ricordo nulla della mia infanzia in Italia.
I don’t remember anything about my childhood in Italy.
2. to be remembered for sth
Sarà ricordato per il suo sacrificio
Si ricorderanno di lui per il suo sacrificio.
He will be remembered for his sacrifice.
3. to not forget to do something
Ricorda di comprare le mele.
Ricordati di comprare le mele.
Remember to buy apples.
It can also mean:
4. to give a present or money to someone you love
Mia nonna si ricorda sempre di me per il mio compleanno.
My Granny always remembers me on my birthday.
It can also mean:
5. to bring back a memory to someone
Tu mi ricordi tuo padre.
You remind me of your dad.
I really hope I’ve helped you understand how to use ricordare and ricordarsi. If it’s so, don’t forget to share this article!
Original image by RobinHiggins
This difference has always confused me. However, I am confused by your examples 5 and 6 under ricordarsi. It seems to me that there is no reflexive pronoun in either of those two examples
Hello Queta,
you’re absolutely right. My fault. I thought I had fixed it in my editing but apparently I hadn’t. Now you can read the correct version. Have a nice day