When do I use the Italian word meno? And should I add the word “di” before it or not?
Let’s start by listing the possible meanings of the word meno.
The meanings of meno
1. You use meno to make comparisons to indicate that an amount or a number is less than another amount or number.
Ex: Questo libro costa meno di quello
This book costs less than that one
The second term of comparison can be implied.
Ex: Ieri c’era meno gente al bar
Yesterday there were fewer people at the bar
2. You use meno to form the relative superlative of minority. In this case it’s preceded by a definite article.
Ex: E’ il meno preparato della classe oggi
He’s the least prepared of the class
3. In maths you use meno to indicate a subtraction.
Ex: 12 meno 5 fa 7
12 minus 5 equals 7
The same applies for hours.
Ex: Sono le 10 meno 20
It’s twenty to 11
4. You can use meno to say no in some sentences.
Ex: Fammi sapere se vieni o meno
Let me know if you come or not
Ex: Dimmi se sei d’accordo o meno
Tell me if you agree or not
5. You can use meno to say except
Ex: Alla festa verranno tutti meno Giacomo
Everyone will come to the party except Giacomo
6. Meno can be used also in many expressions such as:
a. Né più né meno = just that
Ex: Devi dirmi cosa pensi veramente, né più né meno
You must tell me what you really think, just that
b. Meno male = I’m relieved, thanks God;
Ex: + C’è stato un incidente ma nessuno è rimasto ferito
There has been an accident but no one was hurt
Meno male!
I’m relieved/Thanks God!
c. Essere da meno -> to be the same
Ex: Lui è un mascalzone ma tu non sei da meno!
He’s a scoundrel and you’re the same
d. Più o meno = more or less
Ex: Gli ingredienti sono più o meno gli stessi della ricetta tradizionale
The ingredients are more or less the same as the ones in the traditional recipe
Should I use the word di before meno?
Whether you use the word di before meno or not the Italian expressions usually keep the same meaning.
Ex: Parla di meno e ragiona di più -> Parla meno e ragiona di più
Speak less and think more
Ex: Questa torta non mi piace molto, dammene di meno -> Questa torta non mi piace molto, dammene meno
I don’t like this cake much, give me a smaller portion of it.
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Original image by danymena88