Lasciare is a very common Italian verb that can have different meanings. Do you think you know them all? Let’s see…
The first meaning of the Italian verb lasciare is to stop holding, touching, pressing something or someone.
a. Non è stabile. Se lo lasci, cade.
It’s not stable. If you let it go, it falls.
b. Lascialo andare, tanto non andrà alla polizia.
Let him go, he won’t go to the cops.
To leave something or someone in a place, either on purpose or because you forgot.
c. Hai lasciato il portafoglio in macchina?
Did you leave your wallet in the car?
d. Abbiamo lasciato i bambini dai nonni e siamo andati a teatro.
We left the children to their grandparents and we went to the theater.
To not eat or use all of something.
e. Perché non mi hai lasciato un po’ di torta?
Why didn’t you leave me some cake?
f. Lascia un po’ di spazio in valigia perché ci devo mettere ancora il telo mare.
Leave some space in the suitcase because I still have to put the beach towel in it.
To stop doing something without finishing it completely, usually because you’re facing some difficulties.
g. Ha lasciato la scuola a 16 anni.
He left school at 16.
h. Basta, Io lascio, ho già perso troppi soldi a questo gioco!
That’s enough, I’m out, I’ve already lost too much money in this game!
To end a relationship with a partner and stop living with them.
j. Maria ha lasciato suo marito.
Maria left her husband.
k. Io non ti lascerò mai.
I’ll never leave you.
The Italian verb lasciare can be used as a polite expression to say to pass away.
l. Davide ci ha lasciati questa notte.
Davide passed away tonight.
To leave a place
m. Ho lasciato Milano tanti anni fa.
I left Milan many years ago.
n. La nave sta lasciando il porto.
The ship is leaving the harbor.
To leave something or someone in a particular condition so that they stay in the same condition.
o. In casa ho lasciato la luce accesa.
I left the light on in the house.
p. L’ho lasciato nei guai e me ne sono andato.
I left him in trouble and I left.
To make something happen or remain as a result, usually a mark a sign or an effect.
q. Hai lasciato tracce di fango su tutto il pavimento!
You left traces of mud all over the floor!
r. Il terremoto ha lasciato molte persone senza una casa.
The earthquake left many people homeless.
To give a message, a note, a package, a tip, etc.
s. Ti ho lasciato il pacco all’ingresso.
I left the package for you at the entrance.
t. Abbiamo lasciato una bella mancia al cameriere.
We left the waiter a good tip.
To not do something immediately.
u. Ho lasciato un po’ di documenti da compilare per domani.
I have left some documents to fill out for tomorrow.
Finally, the Italian verb lasciare can mean to allow someone to do something
v. I miei non mi lasciano mai guardare la tv dopo le 11.
My parents never let me watch tv after 11.
w. Lascia che faccia di testa sua, così impara dai suoi errori.
Let him do his own thing, so he learns from his mistakes.
So, did you know all the uses of the Italian verb lasciare?
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Original image by stevepb